Best wishes for the New Year from the AWAWS executive committee! We hope 2024 brings good tidings and positive developments for all our members, as well as for our organisation. AWAWS has an exciting line-up of events in the offing for 2024, beginning with our annual panel of papers, workshop, and drinks at ASCS and continuing with our first ever talk celebrating International Women's Day in March. But there will be much more from our local chapters, our PG Rep, the mentoring programme, our dedicated blog post, and the AWAWS team. We even have AWAWS merch coming your way. This year one of our key goals is to help our organisation grow, so it can continue to flourish in the future. Together we truly are stronger, so please support our efforts! Dr Anastasia Bakogianni AWAWS President Read on for more about:
ASCS 2024We are looking forward to seeing many AWAWS members at the ASCS conference in Melbourne, February 12-15. Please make especial note of three AWAWS events which will take place: Monday February 12th, 6.00-8.00pm: AWAWS drinks at the Standard Hotel, 293 Fitzroy Street All attending members are entitled to one free drink, and there will also be nibbles provided. Non members are welcome to come along as well – this event will be combined with the postgrad drinks. We will have a walking train from the ASCS Welcome drinks, if you are not sure where to go. Open your conference in appropriate style, and encourage your friends and colleagues to come along and join AWAWS on the day! Thursday February 15th 11.15-12.45: AWAWS sponsored session: ‘Who Paid? Ancient Women at the Intersection of Laws and Money’ Come along to hear some fabulous talks in a session organised by AWAWS:
Thursday February 15th 1.00-2.00pm: AWAWS workshop: Publishing your research Grab some lunch then bring it along to get some tips and tricks on publishing both within and beyond academia from our experienced panel, led by AWAWS Vice-President Estelle Strazdins. This workshop is aimed at postgrads and early career researchers, but all are welcome (including non-AWAWS members). Celebrating International Women's DayTo celebrate International Women's Day in 2024, Dr Connie Skibinski, former AWAWS PG Rep and last year's winner of the AWAWS Research Grant (2022) will talk about the joy and inspiration she discovered in doing research in Athens, Greece, funded by a combination of two awards she won. Title: Bringing the Marginalized to the Centre: The Joy of Studying Ancient Women Abstract: To celebrate International Women's Day in 2024, Dr Connie Skibinski, former AWAWS Postgraduate Representative and last year's winner of the AWAWS Research Grant (2022) will share her experiences as a PhD candidate and AWAWS member. International Women’s Day is both a celebration of the achievements of women and a reminder of the importance of shedding light on the struggle for gender equality and for the rights of people of marginalized genders. These principles lie at the center of my research, which foregrounds the heroic achievements of the Amazon warrior women and their receptions, and critically examines representations of Queen Penthesilea, some of which deploy problematic tropes that present her as a gendered “Other”. In the spirit of Internal Women’s Day, in this paper Connie reflects on her experiences as a feminist historian and the joy I find in studying ancient women, undertaking research trips, and in being part of likeminded academic communities. Bio: Connie Skibinski is an Early Career Researcher having recently completed a Classics PhD at The University of Newcastle. Her primary research interest is Greco-Roman mythology and the adaptation of ancient mythology from the Medieval period to the contemporary era. Her doctoral thesis is a classical reception study of the Amazon Queen Penthesilea, examining written and visual representations from antiquity to the twenty-first century. Connie has published on the Amazons in contemporary media and is currently co-editing three edited volumes (on Xena, Wonder Woman, and ancient women). She is also working on a monograph on Amazons in Medieval literature, as well as a book chapter that examines the ancient Amazons through the lens of queer theory. Date and time: 12 March 2024 3.00pm AWST/5.00pm AEST/5.30pm ACDT/ 6.00pm AEDT/ 8.00pm NZT This will be an online talk, chaired by AWAWS President Anastasia Bakogianni. To register your interest and to receive the meeting details for how to join in on Zoom please contact the Chair, Dr Anastasia Bakogianni: [email protected] All AWAWS members are most warmly welcome to attend. This is a promotional event, so please also encourage those you think might benefit from joining AWAWS to attend. Friends and family as well as those who are interested in Classics, more generally, and the study of ancient women, more specifically, are also most welcome. AWAWS MerchandiseWe are delighted to announce that we will soon be selling AWAWS merchandise through Redbubble, so you will be able to drink coffee from your AWAWS mug, while lounging in your AWAWS socks, and making insightful comments in your AWAWS notebook. We hope to have a limited range available at ASCS, but watch your email for more details soon. New History of Women in Ancient World Studies Blog PostCheck out the latest blog post on Lucy Davey, an inspirational Semitic languages scholar from the University of Sydney, remembered by Natalie Mylonas (ACU): If you would like to pitch a subject for this blog series, please contact Amelia Brown [email protected] Zoom Study Groups for Postgraduate MembersCome for the studying, stay for the community. Begun as a simple way to devote two-hours to focused study, our weekly zoom study group has become an incredibly supportive online postgrad community. Though we devote the vast majority of our two-hour Zoom call to silent study, we take time to share what we are working on and any wins for the week. Meeting weekly has allowed our group to follow each other’s progress through drafts, applications, and conference presentations. For those of us studying remotely, part of small departments, or simply looking for a wider network this has become a place of friendly accountability, celebrating each other’s wins, and learning about how the ancient world is studied beyond our home institutions. We will continue to meet over the summer months and welcome postgrads to come for as little or as much of our two-hour zoom sessions as they like. We have been running our sessions at two alternating times and we intend to continue this scheme in order to accommodate as many schedules as possible. For more information or the zoom link contact the AWAWS Postgraduate Representative Jaymie Orchard at: [email protected] Mentoring ProgrammeIf you have been thinking about applying to be a mentee in the AWAWS Academic Mentoring Program, there is no better time than now! All you need to do is check out our amazing mentors, decide who could help you work towards your goals, and send an Expression of Interest to the Mentoring Program Coordinator, Alex Woods: [email protected] For more information about our mentoring programme, visit: MicrograntsA quick reminder that if you find yourself in a situation of financial stress, you can apply for support through the AWAWS microgrants scheme. You can find information about these here: Microgrants are expressly meant as a resource for costs not often included in conventional grants but that affect women/non-binary researchers’ abilities to work or be fully participating members of Ancient World Studies communities. They can be used to renew professional memberships like ASCS and AWAWS, or for conference fees, day-care, health bills, life bills, anything that is affecting you and your work that is beyond present resources to handle. Financial Update (Treasurer)AWAWS finances remain healthy, with funds available for local chapter events, workshops and other AWAWS activities in 2024. For those in need, we still have Microgrant funds available! Any members suffering financial adversity are encouraged to apply, simply send us a short email stating your need.
If you’re interested in running a local chapter event please let us know! Applications for funding can be found on our website. We thank you for your contributions and engagement with furthering the needs of women and those underrepresent in research and tertiary employment. Your regular contributions make a difference! Friendly reminder to ensure submission of a membership form when completing renewals. Treasurer Update: see email. A very big thank you to members who continue to renew memberships and donate.
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October 2024