About this page |
This page aims to provide useful links to online resources that may be of interest to our community. These cover a diverse range of interests, employment challenges, workplace harassment and bullying, and professional bodies that intersect with our community’s professional and research goals. The final section also provides resources on accessibility and inclusive research, teaching and presentation design.
On casual or short-term contract academic staff, see the Women’s Classical Caucus’ Statement on the Use of Contingent Labor
Discrimination, bullying, sexual harassment or assault
- Women in Astronomy have produced a helpful resource on identifying, addressing and overcoming sexual harrassment.
- National and international media have publicised challenges faced by many of those working to reduce sexual harrassment and sexual assault at Australian Universities:
- http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-01/uni-sexual-assault-hrc-report-released/8762638
- https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/21/world/australia/australia-land-of-bro-culture-grapples-with-campus-assaults.html?emc=edit_th_20170623&nl=todaysheadlines&nlid=45458256
- Please also review the Gender Equality Story prepared by Open Colleges, Australia.
- Australian Human Rights Commission on Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harrassment and Report on Sexual Harrassment and Assault at Australian Universities
- New Zealand Human Rights Commission Guidance for Workers
- Australian Government Workplace Gender Equality Agency
- National Press Club address by Libby Lyons, director of the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, on the topic of Australia’s gender equality scorecard (16 Nov 2016)
Macquarie University
Resources to use in cases of discrimination, bullying, sexual assault and harassment:
Resources to use in cases of discrimination, bullying, sexual assault and harassment:
- https://students.mq.edu.au/support/wellbeing/support
- https://www.mq.edu.au/about/about-the-university/strategy-and-initiatives/strategic-initiatives/diversity-and-inclusion/respect-now-always
- https://staff.mq.edu.au/work/strategy-planning-and-governance/university-policies-and-procedures/policies/discrimination-bullying-and-harassment-prevention
Sydney University
Melbourne University
- Resources in instances of sexual assault, sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying: http://safercommunity.unimelb.edu.au/
- Information specifically about sexual assault, including links to services within and beyond the University http://safercommunity.unimelb.edu.au/help-for-sexual-assault-issues
- Information specifically about sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying: http://safercommunity.unimelb.edu.au/discrimination-sexual-harassment-and-bullying
- Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy, including information on discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment, stalking, bullying, vilification and victimisation: https://policy.unimelb.edu.au/MPF1328
A website dedicated to the celebration of women archaeologists, palaeontologists and geologists who have been doing awesome work for far longer, and in far greater numbers, than most people realise.
Breaking Ground
In 1994 the breaking ground project began research on pioneering women in archaeology and histroical research resulting in the publication of Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists (University of Michigan Press, 2004). In 2003 the project launched an online dataabse to continue to promote the histories of many remarkable women archaeologists, philologists, epigraphers, writers, artists, museum curators, professors, and fund raisers.
Women's Classical Committee
Compilation of Classical Blogs and Sites by Women on a range of topics related to ancient world studies.
A website dedicated to the celebration of women archaeologists, palaeontologists and geologists who have been doing awesome work for far longer, and in far greater numbers, than most people realise.
Breaking Ground
In 1994 the breaking ground project began research on pioneering women in archaeology and histroical research resulting in the publication of Breaking Ground: Pioneering Women Archaeologists (University of Michigan Press, 2004). In 2003 the project launched an online dataabse to continue to promote the histories of many remarkable women archaeologists, philologists, epigraphers, writers, artists, museum curators, professors, and fund raisers.
Women's Classical Committee
Compilation of Classical Blogs and Sites by Women on a range of topics related to ancient world studies.
Professional organisations
Mailing lists
Accessibility resources
This list of resources was put together as part of the AWAWS Sydney Chapter workshop on accessible research and teaching, Friday 25th June 2021.
- Accessible classroom resources - Inclusivity statements in syllabi: https://www.accessiblesyllabus.com/policy/
- Auslan dictionary: https://www.auslan.org.au/dictionary/
- Contrast guidelines: https://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG21/#contrast-minimum
- CripAntiquity: https://cripantiquity.com/
- Crip time: https://www.firstpost.com/living/the-value-of-crip-time-discarding-notions-of-productivity-and-guilt-to-listen-to-the-rhythms-of-our-bodies-8440551.html
- Disabled Academic Collective: https://disabledacademicco.wixsite.com/mysite
- How to Write Alt Text and Image Descriptions for the Visually Impaired: https://www.perkinselearning.org/technology/blog/how-write-alt-text-and-image-descriptions-visually-impaired
- Kafer, A. (2013) Feminist, Queer, Crip, Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
- New Zealand sign language training: http://www.learnnzsl.nz/#/id/co-01
- Schroeder, N. (2020) Fostering an Inclusive Classroom: Universal Design Learning and Accessible Online Teaching Practices, guide available here. This resource is available on the Disabled Academic collective website (above).
- Statistics about disability in Australia and New Zealand: https://www.stats.govt.nz/information-releases/disability-survey-2013
- https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/disability/people-with-disability-in-australia/contents/people-with-disability/prevalence-of-disability
- Support for neurodiverse learners: https://nnlm.gov/psr/guides/supporting-neurodiverse-learners/course-design
- Tips from The University of Edinburgh: https://www.ed.ac.uk/information-services/help-consultancy/accessibility/creating-materials
- Twitter accessibility: https://help.twitter.com/en/using-twitter/picture-descriptions
- Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1: Recommendations for making Web content more accessible: https://aus01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/GetUrlReputation
- Young, S. “I am not your inspiration” TedTalk: https://www.ted.com/talks/stella_young_i_m_not_your_inspiration_thank_you_very_much/transcript?language=en
- Zoom Accessibility features: https://zoom.us/accessibility